
Dies ist der Blog von Klein Effy! Hier gehts um sein Leben, und seine Interessen.

Wenn du denkst, das Zeug was hier gepostet wird ist schwul oder scheiße oder so, dann habe ich dir nur eins zu sagen: DU STINKST!

Montag, 1. März 2010

I wanna Fuck you Hard!

I wanna Feel you Deep!
I wanna Rock your Body!
I wanna Taste your Sweet!

Corrently I really love Blood on the Dance Floor! It's sooooo cool music.. kinda emo but anyway - it's Pop too!

So today was the big day! EFFY GOT HIS 2ND TATTOO!! so it's the v-sign aka peace-sign.. on the same place like Lady Gaga have her one.. it didn't hurted that much.. my "Fame"-Tattoo next to my ear ailed WAY MORE!! That was re-tattooed today and was sooo much pain! I'm really happy right now and here is the 1st picture from my new tattoo:

So that's it for today.. here the video on the end and good night =)

xo F

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