
Dies ist der Blog von Klein Effy! Hier gehts um sein Leben, und seine Interessen.

Wenn du denkst, das Zeug was hier gepostet wird ist schwul oder scheiße oder so, dann habe ich dir nur eins zu sagen: DU STINKST!

Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010

Daddy I'm so Sorry!

So S-s-sorry, yah!
We just like the Party!
Like the P-p-party, yah!

So last night, me and my family had our Welcome-Home-Party!! Everyone was here! We ate selfmade-pizza, drunk everything; me just water, 7Up and my non-alcohol Champain =)
we played like 2 hours wii, heard music all the time and just had Fun! Some drunk too much.. some ate to much and one got a haircur! But NOT me!!

On Saturday-Morning one little girl from my school asked me, if she can come, too.. i was thinking HELL NO! WHO DO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE? I DONT KNOW YOU!! But i just said something like "No, I'm Sorry! Just family and friends!" Kinda mean, but I'm not the welfare! Haha..!

On midday, still satuday, i got to know a new band.. called Blood on the Dancefloor.. i don't know much about them yet.. They are two boys.. Garrett Ecstasy & Dahoie Vanity this is her myspace page but i don't what kind of music that is.. something mixed from Pop and some emocore/screamcore.. I don't know all that kinds of emo-music haha so tell me what kind of music YOU think this is it:

After so much pizza yesterday, I have to "play" so much WiiFitPlus haha

xo F

P.S.: tonight new post, too!

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