
Dies ist der Blog von Klein Effy! Hier gehts um sein Leben, und seine Interessen.

Wenn du denkst, das Zeug was hier gepostet wird ist schwul oder scheiße oder so, dann habe ich dir nur eins zu sagen: DU STINKST!

Freitag, 26. Februar 2010

I wont tell you that I love you!

Kiss or Hug you!
Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin, I'm not lying,
I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue gunnin!

Today my mommy and me planed everything for our welcome-party this saturday! We were like 1 1/2 hour in the supermarket haha we bought so much.. so today , i know my post is boring.. but i have no idea what i should blog.. my post for saturday and sunday are in my head.. but today.. NO IDEA!!

BUT OMFG!! CUTENESS IN PERSON!! you know i like that special person.. and toooday.. i saw him with glasses! i never knew that he have glasses but it looks sooo damn cute! my head is with this information so naughty haha

sorry for that boring post today.. tomorrow will be a better post!!

xo F

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