
Dies ist der Blog von Klein Effy! Hier gehts um sein Leben, und seine Interessen.

Wenn du denkst, das Zeug was hier gepostet wird ist schwul oder scheiße oder so, dann habe ich dir nur eins zu sagen: DU STINKST!

Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

The Pretty Reckless F!


What is Happiness?

I think, everybody interprets Happiness in another way! May you are happy if you read a book. May you are happy if you be online on the web. I am happy if I can be with the persons I like the most!
But in my oppinion, it's way harder to be HAPPY as to be UNHAPPY! The person you like the most is ignoring you, so you're unhappy! The jeans you wanna buy, is sold, so you're unhappy! You want to go to the cinema but no one other wants to see the same movie - YOU ARE UNHAPPY!!

So you should every HAPPY moment value! You never know what happens next!

So be valued for every happy moment!

xo F

1 Kommentar:

  1. F! This was beautiful! I love the way you write! Hahaa you make so much sense.
    Love Becca xxx
