
Dies ist der Blog von Klein Effy! Hier gehts um sein Leben, und seine Interessen.

Wenn du denkst, das Zeug was hier gepostet wird ist schwul oder scheiße oder so, dann habe ich dir nur eins zu sagen: DU STINKST!

Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010

Walk, Walk, Passion Baby!

Work It I'm A Free Bitch Baby!

So today, was sooo much Fun! One of the best days in my SchoolLife! We had replacement lesson. The teacher aksed us, what we want to do. So me, like I am, said i wanna talk about Fashion! Then on the end of our break the teacher asked "F would you dare to talk few minutes about fashion, seriously?". I was like OMFG YES, WELL OF COURSE!!

So i talked all lesson long about fashion, hairstyles, accessories and Alexander McQueen!
I really hope in the next replacement lesson I can talk one more time! Then I would talk about Hairstyles haha

So my biggist Fashion Idol?

So that's it for today.. have a nice Friday.. Me? My tattooist is coming to moi! so Effy gets his 2nd tattoo soon =)

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