
Dies ist der Blog von Klein Effy! Hier gehts um sein Leben, und seine Interessen.

Wenn du denkst, das Zeug was hier gepostet wird ist schwul oder scheiße oder so, dann habe ich dir nur eins zu sagen: DU STINKST!

Sonntag, 21. März 2010


I know, I haven't bloged a while.. I'm so sorry.. but SHIT HAPPENS : D

Effy is so invited to all the things in school.. So much different kinds of people are my friends here.. not that mainstream like in Munich.. But I still miss some of them ♥

Oh, and i haven't post my new hair.. check out this damn hot blonde dude:

Isn't he hot as hell? Yes he is!

Yesterday I was once again on work.. and after work i was going home, guess what was on street? TWENTY BUGS!!! So that means new piercing-juwellery for Effy!! Already bought it online : D


Freitag, 5. März 2010

Silly Boys, they loving Me so much!

Silly Boy, You can look but You can't touch!
Silly Boys, I ain't got no time to talk!
Silly Boys, just Shut Up and watch me Walk!

Sorry for not posting yesterday!!

But anyways.. today i had to babysitting.. for my cousin.. i fetched him from school. We had tea. A friend of him came to play.. They wrestled haha played Pokemon on Nintendo DS.. then my aunt came back from the nail desinger and they had an appointment at the hair dresser.. And my aunt asked "Effy wanna cut your hair, too? So what do you do tomorrow?" and I said "Cutting my Hair?!" : D
So tomorrow i'll have a date with the hair dresser =) I promise to post a picture!

Tomorrow Morning, I'll go to my cousin again, 'cause my aunt and uncle wanna buy his birthday-gifts.. after that we go together to the hair dresser!

Tomorrow Night, it's time for F goes to Work!
In the guildhall is a cabaret show and I have to work as waiter.. And all tips are mine!! hahaha

I don't know when I'll post tomorrow.. BUT I WILL POST TOMORROW!!

xo F

Mittwoch, 3. März 2010

I don't Love You! Not Yet!

Last night I had a dream..

But not that kind of dream like Martin Luther King.. And not a wet dream haha
So you know i'm maybe be in love and all that stuff... so I dreamed that I wrote a letter with the end: "I love You!" and in the letter I got back was just: "I don't Love You! Not Yet!" but everyone's saying that person I like is kinda slutty =(
Pupil are so unfriendly if they don't like somebody! My luck, almost everyone likes F!

So right now I'm watching Desperate Housewives.. after that The Vampire Diaries.. like every wednesday =)

xo F

Dienstag, 2. März 2010

I feel so Untouched!

And I want you so much!
That I just can't resist you!
It's not enough to say that I Miss You!

So today.. wasn't anything interessting.. I dyed a friends hair.. And that was so much fun! In the application time we laught and ate cake. Later my bubblegum jumped outta my mouth straight to her FACE!!!! hahaha That was soooo fuckin funny! I can't stop laughing and thinking of this moment x]
So we hanged out, all day long.. she went home at 9pm - so she was with my all day long..
And so much sentences I can't get out of my head.. TO FUNNY!!

I realy like this song.. don't know why =D

So I can sleep longer tomorrow 'cause 1st lesson is dropped! Have a nice night!

xo F

Montag, 1. März 2010

I wanna Fuck you Hard!

I wanna Feel you Deep!
I wanna Rock your Body!
I wanna Taste your Sweet!

Corrently I really love Blood on the Dance Floor! It's sooooo cool music.. kinda emo but anyway - it's Pop too!

So today was the big day! EFFY GOT HIS 2ND TATTOO!! so it's the v-sign aka peace-sign.. on the same place like Lady Gaga have her one.. it didn't hurted that much.. my "Fame"-Tattoo next to my ear ailed WAY MORE!! That was re-tattooed today and was sooo much pain! I'm really happy right now and here is the 1st picture from my new tattoo:

So that's it for today.. here the video on the end and good night =)

xo F